Lying on the ground together.Ī_splad_embrace07- male sim lying on side.Ī_splad_embrace08 - female sim lying on back, holding hand. Lifted kiss.Ī_splad_embrace05- male sim lifting sim.Ī_splad_embrace06 - female sim kissing. Couch hug.Ī_splad_embrace04 - female sim hugging. Pose tags are as follows: Sitting on the ground together.Ī_splad_embrace02 - female sim holding arm. (Pose tag is included in the description area of the pose list.) Poses were rigged for M/F models, but you can of course use whatever gender combination suits you There may be a bit of clipping on two male models or a larger female model, as these poses are meant to be close contact.
This is a set of various hugs and kisses that I've needed for a few different stories.